Thursday, March 29, 2012

Our First Family Walk

The weather has been amazing lately, so we took advantage of it and got in our first of many family strolls around the neighborhood.  You can't miss our stroller on a walk!

Our first family pic with Moose

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

First Baths at Home

Brian and I finally gave the kids their first bath at home. We were a bit hesitant to do it as they are still so ity bity! Brady seemed to enjoy the bath a lot more than Hailey. I just love the animal towels!

Hailey went first and didn't seem to care for the water, but liked her ducky!

Brady went next...

Second Week Home

As I mentioned before, we have an amazing family support system! Nani (my Mom) came down and stayed with us the second week home after Grandma Murray headed back to Sioux Falls.
Poppa would come join us for dinner at night to help out as well. Thanks for all your help Mom and Dad!

Nani multi-tasking (knitting and rocking the babies!). 
Moose makes a cameo as well!

Monday, March 26, 2012

First Week Home

Brian and I are blessed to have such an amazing family! Grandma Murray spent the first week at home with us while I was recuperating and Brian went back to work! Grandpa Murray came and visited our first weekend home! Brian and I actually were able to get some rest!

Grandpa Murray in action.  I think he has had some practice before!
Brady feeding and then dozing...

Doesn't Hailey look angelic here?

One of my favs!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

First Night Home

The kids slept next to our bed in the "Moses sleepers." No one got much sleep that night.



More hospital Pics!

Our Little Hailey

Our Little Man

Snuggling Together!

Moose and the kiddos

Moose has been amazing with the twins! Every few hours he does a "check-in" with the kids which consists of a few sniffs and a lick or two to the nearest hand. Moose really just likes to be in the middle of the all the activity!


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Going home from the Hospital

We finally left the hospital on Sunday, February 19th after being there for 4 days. Brian and I really enjoyed our time in the hospital, but we were ready to go home to sleep in our own beds and see Moose.

Hailey left the hospital weighing 4 lbs. 11oz and Brady 4lbs. 14 oz.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Family Visits the Hospital

Hailey and Brady were able to meet some of their new Flaherty and Murray families at the hospital. 

Grandma and Hailey

Auntie Jamie, Cousin Mallory and Brady

Nani, Mallory and Hailey

Poppa and Brady
Cousin Sophie with the Twins

Happy Birthday Brady & Hailey!!

Brady and Hailey were delivered via C-section on February 15, 2012!

Brady Charles Murray was born at 8:06 AM at 5lbs. 3 oz, 18 inches
Hailey Lynn Murray was born at 8:07 AM at 4lbs. 15 oz., 18 inches

Brady (left) &Hailey (right)


Proud new father of Twins!

Proud new Momma!