Monday, April 30, 2012

Newborn No More

As of today we no longer have newborns.  Hailey has officially moved up to 0-3 months and the newborn sizes are packed away.  I never thought that would be such a sad moment for me.  I guess it just means we are that much closer to getting a good nights sleep!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Friday, April 27, 2012

NFL Draft

Brady was sporting his Purple Pride for the Vikings tonight.  He should be ready to get drafted by the year 2030 or so? Uncle Erik has a lot of coaching ahead of him for this kiddo! Let's hope Brady doesn't have the Flaherty speed (or lack thereof). 

Mom's Special Toy

Thank goodness we have ceiling fans in many of our rooms because the kids love them! This is how I am able to get things done in the morning- sometimes.

Gym Time!

The kids love their play gym! It may be a wrestling mat someday- yikes!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

2 month Stats!

The kids had their 2 month wellness appointments yesterday.  We were in dire need of seeing the doctor because no one has been getting much sleep around here lately.  We weren't quite sure if it was a case of the 6 week fussies or what (since the kids were born at 36 weeks they are considered to be 2-4 weeks behind a normal full term baby of 40 weeks).  Hailey was started on some zantac to see if she was having some reflux, so wish her (and Mom and Dad) luck!

The kids were given their 2 month vaccines which included 3 shots and 1 oral.  Needless to say they are not big fans of shots! And neither am I!

I want to say a big thanks to my Mom for spending the night at our house last night to help us out! Not only were we dealing with the fussies and reflux, but the side effects from the vaccines. She even made us pancakes for breakfast this morning. She has been a godsend! Love you Nani!!

So here are the 2 month stats for the kids:

Weight: 10 lbs.
Length: 21.5 inches
Diapers: size 1
Clothing size: Just moved up to 0-3 months today!

Weight: 8lbs. 15 oz.
Length: 21 inches
Diapers: Newborn
Clothing size: Newborn

We almost caught a whole smile on Hailey!

Hands up!!

Brady had some leftover food that Moose wanted to help him with!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Bath Tub Time

The kids graduated to the bath sling in the tub this weekend.
We practiced for the baptism and they both passed with flying colors!



Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wednesday Mall Walks

Wednesdays at 10:30am you can find me with the kids at the Eden Prairie Mall.  It is hard to miss us as we are walking with 3 other Moms with twins! 
We have a total of 4 boys and 4 girls.  Brady and Hailey are the same age (give or take a few days) as the Gluth twins (Olivia and Emma) and the Sampeer twins (Morgan and Emma).  Tracy's boys are about 2 months older than the rest. 

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Outfits

Testing out the Boat

Grandpa Murray wanted to see if the kids were going to like the boat.  There will be many walleye and northerns caught from these two.  Too bad they won't count for a limit just yet!

Easter Celebration

The family headed to Sioux Falls, SD for the first time to celebrate Easter with the Murrays and Hennings. The kids met their great-grandparents and many other family members. Thanks to every one that came and visited us!

The car ride to and from Sioux Falls went very smoothly!  Only a few peeps here and there.  It was a success!

Grandpa Murray and Mr. Brady

Great-Grandma Henning

Great-Grandma and Grandpa Murray

Uncle Scottie

Great-Uncle Mike Murray

Photo Shoot Together (6 weeks)

 I couldn't forget about Mr. Moose.

Hailey's Photo Shoot (6 weeks)

Hailey's turn....

Brady's Photo Shoot (6 weeks)

Since I have so much extra time these days I decided to do my own photography work and set up a little photo shoot for the kids.  Brady went first...


Sunday, April 1, 2012

Passports for the kiddos

The family will be heading north to Canada in August to visit the Murray's cabin, so we have to get passports for the little ones. I did a bit of research on the picture requirements and they seem a bit crazy to me. The kids have to have a white background with their eyes open and not crying. That sounds like quite the feat to me!

We headed to Costco and actually had a hard time waking them up. That never happens! 

Here is how they turned out...

Saint Patrick's Day

For St. Patrick's Day we went to Nani and Poppa's house to celebrate Auntie Jamie's birthday.  I dressed the kids in their best Irish gear for the occasion. 

Mallory feeding her cousin Hailey for the first time