Saturday, September 22, 2012

Cousin Buddies

I went over to my parent's place yesterday afternoon to see my Mom, Sophie and Mallory. When it came time to go home, Sophie did not want her cousins to leave.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Hailey's 1st tooth came in last week, which was quickly followed by a second. I was told the whole teething thing was a pain and that is so true!

No tooth sightings for B yet, but the amount of droll and chewing has greatly increased. He now has to wear a bib at almost all times because I get sick of changing him.

A crisp fall MN morning

Monday, September 17, 2012

Murray Mornings

My absolute favorite part of the day is the mornings with the kiddos. They always wake up so happy and with such big smiles on their faces. After they eat we play around on the bed. Lately, they seem to want to laugh and smile at each other and lay on each other.
I never would have been a morning person without these two snuggle bugs!

Relaxing with a great book!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Furry Friends

"These are my friends."- B


Happy 7 Months!!

To celebrate the kids' 7 month birthday we walked around our favorite lake, Starring Lake, and stopped to take some pictures along the way.  These kids melt my heart everyday!


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Montana State University vs. Drake

Last weekend the family made the trek down to Des Moines, Iowa to cheer on Coach Link (Uncle Erik) and the Montana State University football team.  We also met up with the Helds, Nanni and Poppa, Auntie Jill and some other relatives.

We had a fun-filled Saturday at the Des Moines farmer's market, swimming at the pool and, of course, the football game. Montana State University wins!

Getting ready for the pool, meant some time rolling around on the bed and getting silly.

My Aunit Trish got to meet the kiddos for the first time.
Supporting MSU and Coach Link 

Best Buds

Just Hanging Out

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Man Time

Brian has started the process of teaching B everything he knows. First topic...the ladies!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Duo

I couldn't believe my eyes today when I found the kids playing and entertaining each other. I always heard this would happen eventually, but at 6.5 months! Amazing!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Cousins with Nanni & Poppa

For Labor Day we had a Flaherty Family BBQ at our place.  It had been a while since we were all together, so naturally we had to get an updated Nanni and Poppa pic!

The last time with had a grandparent's picture was on Mother's Day.  I can't believe how much bigger everyone is! The twins were 3 months below and 6.5 months above.  Amazing what 3 months can make- much better sleep that is for sure!


Day at the Pool