Sunday, November 25, 2012

Look what I can do!

Hailey has been pulling herself up in the crib and everything else for a few weeks now. Luckily, she knows how to get back down!

Monday, November 19, 2012

4 Month Check-Up!

I had my 4 month appointment last week and the kiddos got to come along to hear their little sibling's heartbeat. We had a little wait in the room, so we kept busy with some food, the mirror, spinning on the doctor chair and, of course, a few rounds of Itsy bitsy spider and wheels on the bus. They were thoroughly entertained!

Alexis' 1st Birthday

A few weekends ago, Brady and Hailey's cousin, Alexis, celebrated her 1st birthday!  We made the trek down to Kansas City with our great little travelers to celebrate.  Brady and Alexis seemed to hit it off right from the start, thanks to Alexis' birthday skirt!


Alexis was very dainty and polite with her first birthday cake.  I can't wait to see who will be the cake smasher, I have a pretty good idea who that might be.  Only 3 more months to find out!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Lions and Tigers and Moose, Oh My!

For Halloween the kids were the fierciest lions and tigers you have ever seen!

Brian and I took the kids out to a few houses in the neighborhood with our neighbors the Neurbergs.  We had a lion, tiger and a raccoon (Ellen- 3 months).
My Mom was nice enough to stay at our place while we were out. Thanks Mom!


Carving Pumpkins

The family decided to carve some pumpkins this year for Halloween.  We set up newspapers on the floor for obvious reasons. It turns out the newspaper was far more exciting than the pumpkins.

The finished products!  Brian is on the right and mine is on the left. What do you think?

Fall Weather

A few weekends ago we spent some family time out in the yard and the leaves. Dad did some leaf raking and the kids and I did some playing. Naturally, we had to get the cliche pictures of the kids in a pile of leaves. 

Hailey fell back into the leaves and was not pleased about it.  I just kept on shooting the pictures, for which Brian thought I was very mean.  

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Fun with Friends

I met up with my friend Mandy and her twins, Morgan and Emma, for a little play date at the Community Center.

Hog Pile

I ran to the next room real quick and found this when I got back.