Thursday, February 28, 2013

Happy 1st Bee Day Brady & Hailey!

We celebrated Brady and Hailey's Birthday on February 16th with a fun little Bee theme, as you will see...  We were lucky enough to enjoy the company of our family and dear friends.
This picture just kills me everytime.  It pretty much puts Brady into a nutshell right now. His personality is definitely starting to show through and I just adore it!

The kids seemed to enjoy the cake, but not as much as everyone watching them!  We had a lot of extra beehive cake!

A few of the decorations...  I know they won't remember any of this stuff, but the decorations are really more for me anyways. 



Monday, February 25, 2013

Tool Time

Brady is finally putting in a hard days work.
Thanks Uncle Erik & Aunt Jill for my Man Tools!

Brother Moose

A little Moosey bonding time! I'm pretty sure H is going to be just like her Momma and absolutely love dogs!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Fear No More

Look who finally overcame his fear of the vacuum cleaner... Vacuuming is now a big highlight for the kids. They love a little game of tug-a-war with the cord.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day will always be a very special day for Brian and me.  I had my 36 week ultrasound on 2/14/12, and my OB walked into the room and said "Well, it looks like we are going to have some babies either tonight or tomorrow- you pick!"  We both agreed that tomorrow sounded better- 2/15/12!
It's hard to believe our little Valentines have already been with us so long!  So how did we celebrate Valentine's Day in 2013?  Preparing for the kids' birthday party.  I'm pretty sure this will be a yearly occurrence! I wouldn't have it any other way!
I love you, sweethearts!

Happy 5th Birthday Mallory!

Mallory celebrated her 5th Birthday on February 9th! She was dressed for the occasion in her pink princess dress. She is becoming quite the little diva!  Happy Birthday Mal!
All of the cousins were in attendance for the big day!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Puma Outfits

I've been excitedly waiting for a few months for these Puma outfits to finally fit!  They may be wearing these everyday because they make me laugh at how cute they are!  Thanks grandma MJ for the outfits!
 I had to include a few action pictures in their sporty outfits...
A new fun activity that the kids have discovered is the pile of Mom's magazines under the table. Since I have not exactly been going to the gym lately, we have lots to spare.  B & H quickly learned that tearing out pages is really exciting and has caued a little sibling rivalry as you can see...


We discovered awhile back that hangers were a huge hit with the kids.  I can sometimes get 20+ minutes out of these guys- sorting hangers is apparently quite the entertainment. The simple things in life, I guess...

Super Bowl 2013

We had a little get together for the Superbowl this year with my parents and the Hickmans.  The kids were on their game and ready to show off all their toys and skills for our guests as you can see...


Brady hit it off with Del right away.  B has always been a man's man from the start!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

It finally happened...

I have been refusing to move Moose's bowls from the kitchen area because I feel for the poor guy.

I think after this morning, when B & H double teamed the situation and spilled the 3/4 full bowl of water everywhere, the bowls will get moved. They really enjoyed splashing with the water. Mom not so much!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Monday, February 4, 2013

Poppa Time

Brady just adores his Poppa! The way his face lights up when he sees him just melts my heart every time. Love you Dad!