Thursday, March 21, 2013

Twins x 4 Birthday Celebration

I few Fridays ago I hosted a Twins Birthday Party with all of Brady and Hailey's favorite twins!  These are the same moms and kids that I started meeting up with when they were 3 months old.  Click here to see where it all started!

All of the twins are within 2 weeks of age of each other. Thank goodness I met these mothers when I did.  What a blessing it has been to go through all the struggles and triumphs together!

Here is the whole crew.  I'm still amazed we had 7 of the 8 sitting still!
From left to right: Brady, Olivia, Emma, Morgan, Emma, Miles, Reese and Hailey.

Snack time!



Sunday, March 17, 2013

Junk Mail

I finally found a good use for junk mail- they are called my little paper shredders!
Grandpa Murray, you may notice H is shredding a Surdyk's magazine!

EP Play Structure

We headed to the Eden Prairie play structure over the weekend (picture a McDonalds play area, but way cooler and cleaner!). The kids always have a great time when we go there. Dad does as well!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

1st Trip to the MN Zoo!

A few weekends ago we took the kids to the Minnesota Zoo for the very first time.  The kids seemed to love it, but probably not as much as Mom and Dad did!
Since the weather has still been very cold, we were only able to check out the inside exhibits. We can't wait for warmer weather to see all the big animals.
The big hit of the day was the Tropical Reef exhibit.  We probably spent an amazing 20 minutes in there watching the fish.  Brian and I enjoyed watching our two beautiful mesmerized faces! We can't wait to take these two (plus the one on the way) snorkeling someday!

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Murray for the zoo membership!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

12 Months Stats

Weight: 20 lbs. 12oz  (50%)  {1 year ago: 5lbs. 3oz}
Length: 29 in. (50%)             {1 year ago: 18 in.}

Diapers: size 4                      {1 year ago: Newborn}
Clothing size: 18 months       {1 year ago: Newborn/Preemie}


Weight: 17 lbs. (10-25%)   {1 year ago: 4lbs. 15 oz}
Length: 27 1/2 in. (5-10%) {1 year ago: 18 in.}

Diapers: size  4                 {1 year ago: Newborn}
Clothing size: 12 months    {1 year ago:Newborn/Preemie}


Monday, March 4, 2013

Happy Hats

Thank you, Sarah Henning, for the adorable, hand-knitted hats for the twins!