Thursday, November 14, 2013

6 months old!

It is hard to believe Colin is already half-way to his first birthday! As I have said before, he is an absolute joy! (Except for some sleep regression a few weeks ago- that was brutal!). He is sitting up very well, but still requires a watchful eye. 
He loves his puréed foods- apples are currently the favorite.
He absolutely adores Brady, Hailey and Moose and wants to always be in the middle of the activity. Love you C!

Weight: 14# 15oz (5-10%)  
Length: 25 3/4 inch (10-25%)           
Diapers: size 3                      
Clothing size: 9 months  

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The inevitable

The kids were enjoying some coloring time and Mom was enjoying some quiet.
I thought twice about putting B by the wall, but figured it wouldn't happen.... Oh, but I did! We had our first wall coloring session.

Lucky for me, I tossed our old non-washable markers last week. Smart Mamma... Well, sort of.

I took a picture of the drawings because I was so amazed at how their personalities fit their drawings. H has the top 2. Hailey only wanted to use one color at a time and she took a lot of time to do it. 
Brady, on the other hand, switched colors every 10 seconds and scribbled as fast as he could. These kiddos amaze me!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Best Toys

We received a furniture delivery the other day, so you know what that means.... Boxes and styrofoam!!  Look at all the fun we had!

I call this no mess coloring. No chance of any markers on the walls or floors.

Putting golf tees in the styrofoam. This was a huge hit!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Sea life Aquarium

We finally made it to the Mall of America's Sea life Aquarium. It has an amazing underwater tunnel that you walk through while the sharks, turtles, and numerous fish swim around you.  The kids loved that part!  

Once we made our way through the aquarium, we went out into Camp Snoopy and walked around all the rollercoasters and fair games.  I'm pretty sure they enjoyed the rollercoasters just as much as they did the aquarium.  Oh well!

Big Cheeks-5.5 Months