Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Monday, December 30, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

This year we celebrated Thanksgiving in Sioux Falls. We were lucky enough to have Uncle Scott, Uncle Jon, Aunt Kate and cousin Alexis all stay at Grandma and Grandpa Murray's house.  It was a full house, but we had a lot of fun!

I had a hard time choosing my favorites, so hear are a few of them...

We got to visit Great-Grandma Murray and Great-Grandma Henning.  Lucky us!
 Hailey enjoyed some cooking with Grandma Murray. Precious!
We enjoyed some cousin time with Alexis! 

The boys spent hours playing with the trains...
... then they enjoyed some great wine!
 We love you grandma and grandpa.  Thanks for a fun Thanksgiving weekend!



The kids played with Nani's homemade playdough awhile back and loved it! Big cousin, Mallory, was able to teach the twins what to do with it. It only took a few tastes to realize it did not taste good! So much fun!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday Sophie!

Sophie celebrated her 2nd Birthday on November 21st!   All the cousins got together to celebrate the big occasion.  Happy Birthday, Sophie! 

Brady and Hailey tried to help open gifts and inspect the new toys/books! Such great little helpers.

Twins' Halloween Party

I realize that it is almost Christmas and I am posting Halloween party pics, but what can I say, our house/life is C-R-A-Z-Y!!! I have a lot of catching up to do!

When the twins were 2 months old or so I was in a new Mom's group with 9 other women and babies. We all meet up a handful of times each year- here was this years' Halloween Party! 


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Best Friends

After the first photo was taken Hailey got up and went into her room. Brady quickly moved over to sit by his brother. What a good big brother! Not to mention he smiled for me!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Halloween 2013

This year we had a little dragon (Brady), dinosaur (Hailey), and lion (Colin) for Halloween. We went to a few houses with our neighbors, the Neurbergs.
The twins really enjoyed the trick-or-treating this year! They loved grabbing candy out of the bowl and carrying it in their pumpkin pails. What a hoot!!


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Carving Pumpkins

 In our house, it's definitely not Halloween unless you carve pumpkins.  Our pumpkin count is now up to 3- one per kid! I love making pumpkin seeds, but not so much the work involved in it.  Luckily, Brady decided to help me out by taking a handful of seeds, which I had already scraped from the pumpkin, and threw them across the kitchen floor. Naturally, chaos ensues when Moose thinks it is food and tries to eat them all. I like to call it "Crazy Town" at our house- seems fitting, right?



Staring Lake

Brian and I have been going to Staring Lake for as long as we have lived in Eden Prairie (4 Years now).  It was a matter of time before Colin was able to join the rest of the family for a stroll around the lake and some fetch with Moose. I can't wait for all the memories we will have at Staring!
Brady slept the entire time!

Pictures from: End of October 2013