Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Sioux Falls Christmas 2013

We headed to Sioux Falls the weekend before Christmas to celebrate the Henning family Christmas (Mary Jo's family). The kiddos were able to meet a lot of relatives for the first time.  The twins had a lot of fun opening presents and spending time with Grandma and Grandpa! We had a great weekend in Sioux Falls, especially since everyone slept great! 

We woke up "Christmas" morning to stockings full of goodies.  Somebody needs to tell Santa the kiddos don't need candy in their stockings!!!!!  The sugar high commenced a littler thereafter these photos. 


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

BSM Children's Party 2013

This was our second year attending the Benilde-St. Margaret's (my high school) children's Christmas party.  We had a great time playing games, making crafts and, of course, visiting with Santa Claus! 
When Santa Claus made his big entrance, I was absolutely shocked to see Brady and Hailey take off towards him!  It was pretty hilarious and completely unexpected! They could barely hold in there excitement to wait patiently to take pictures. 

Macy's Santaland

A fun tradition that both Brian and I did when we were little was visiting Macy's 8th floor exhibit. It's a walk through exhibit with different  themes each year.  The theme this year was "Santa land."  
We went early on a Friday morning when hardly anyone was there, which was perfect!  The twins were able to roam from side to side and take it all in.  There were a lot of "ohs" and "ahs" from the twins (and Dad too!).  It was an amazing day with the family! Definitely a tradition that we will carry forward with the kiddos. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Christmas Cookies

This Christmas season has been so much fun creating family traditions.  The kids were able to make and decorate their first batch of Christmas cookies.  They had so much fun and enjoyed eating a little as well!  Not too bad for their first time!


 The finished product...

Next year for this guy...

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Christmas Miracle... Photo!

I now have my new favorite photo of all time! It is my first photo that all the kids are looking and no one is crying... It's a Christmas miracle!