Sunday, February 23, 2014

Friday, February 21, 2014

Snuggle Bugs!

Apparently we don't need 3 cribs, just one would have done the trick!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

9 months, already?!?

It's so hard to believe that Colin is already 9 months old.  His smile melts my heart every time I see it. He loves to be in the middle of B & H and play with the big kid toys; he'll even steal toys once in awhile!

Colin is not quite crawling forward yet, but does like to go backwards. He can pull himself up to his knees, but not quite to the standing position. 

Mr. C is truly the perfect completion to our family!!I love you little peanut!

Weight: 16# (2-5%)  
Length: 26 3/4 inch (5-10%)           
Diapers: size 3-4, or whatever is handy!                      
Clothing size: 9 months  

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Snow Day

We were finally able to get outside as a family to play in the snow.  We had a few days in January that it warmed up to a balmy 20 degrees or so! Colin got to enjoy his first time in the snow and on the sled.  He was a trooper!


Flaherty Christmas

After gifts and naps at our place, we headed over to Nani and Poppa's house for the rest of Christmas Day!  We had a special visit from Santa Clause, himself!  This was the second time the kids saw Santa Claus this year and it was the second time Brady booked it straight for him.  So funny!
The kids enjoyed some cousin time and had a blast opening gifts and playing together with all the new loot (as Brian would say)!

 The kid table! One more year for Colin to get upgraded.

Christmas Morning at the Murrays- 2013

I know that it is already mid February, but I still have Christmas photos to put up.  It would be an understatement if I said I am busy these days!
Each kiddo got one gift from us to open Christmas morning.  We are trying to keep Christmas pretty simple at our house.  Hopefully we will be able to do this each year!
Hailey got her first doll!  We figured as parents we needed to supply her with a doll to see if she was interested.  As expected, she was only interested for a few days.  Oh well, she can't say we never gave her a doll!
Brady got some sports balls to throw around.  He had to sleep with all 3 balls that night! Moose has since confiscated the soccer ball!
Colin got some little matchbox cars to play with.  He likes anything at this age!
Santa brought the kids some stacking blocks to share.  These were a huge hit and still are!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Toy Overload

So this is what happens when I ask Brady to give Colin a toy.  I unloaded him and this is what I found:
1. 3 books
2. Mickey Mouse
3. Toy truck
4. 3 small balls
5. Little cow noise maker
6. Bead necklace
I think Brady has it covered! Such a good big brother!!