Friday, June 20, 2014

Easter 2014

I almost forgot to post the Easter pictures...

We headed down to Sioux Falls for Easter weekend and had a great time as always!  The Easter bunny heard we weren't at home, so he came to Grandma and Grandpa's house.  The twins had such a fun time finding the Easter eggs!  Colin decided to sleep through the hunt, better luck next year.

 I just adore this pic with Uncle Scott!
We headed back to Minnesota on Easter Sunday and had another Easter at Nani and Poppa's house with the cousins. The Easter Bunny also made it to Nani and Poppa's house and brought Easter baskets.  Auntie Jamie got all the cousins matching pajamas!  So fun!





Sunday, June 1, 2014

1st Time Bowling

We were so lucky to take advantage of Mallory's spring break to do a cousin's bowling trip to Pinstripes!   This was a first for the whole trio, plus this Momma bringing three kids to the bowling alley! Fortunately, Nani, Poppa and Auntie Jamie were all there to keep an eye out on these crazy cousins! Overall, it was a success! Mallory was a great teacher and helped all the kids roll their balls down the lane. 

 Bowling is pretty exhausting, so we had to take a snack break!

 Colin's Turn!

Juli Holm Photography: 10 months & 25 months