Monday, July 28, 2014


The kiddos love their water time, but sometimes this momma is just too lazy to fill up the pool. So I like to fill up buckets that the kids play with. It seems to be a hit every time!

They love throwing things off the deck!! 
Yep, all the kids wear the same diapers. There is only about a 10# difference between the boys!! 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Minnesota Landscape Arboretum

The day following Colin's birthday was spent at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum with Grandma and Grandpa Murray.  We had some time to just smell the roses and enjoy the spring weather!! It was perfect!

Happy 1st Birthday Colin!!

We celebrated Colin's 1st birthday (May 1st) with family and close friends.  It was a nautical theme for our little sailor!
It is hard to believe this milestone has already come and gone.  Colin is our fun-loving, adventurous and noisy kiddo that makes us fall in love more and more each day!  Happy Birthday C baby!


I can't get enough of these little grins!

Colin seemed to enjoy the cake, but no big "smash" of the cake. 
0 for 3 for the Murray kiddos!

Hailey was very helpful in helping Colin open the gifts!
Thank you for everyone that helped us celebrate our little man!