Saturday, March 28, 2015

End of Summer

We had been living at my parents house, which ended up being about 3 months. We loved going on a walk to this spot so we could gather rocks and plunk them in the water. We would do this everyday if we could!!

Love my family!!

Paddleboard Day 2014

August 2014

We had our second annual paddleboard day out at Lake Minnetonka with the Helds and Grandma and Grandpa.  The adults enjoyed the time out on the lake and the kids loved playing in the sand and on the playground.  Always a fun day!!

Flaherty Open 2014

This year the rotating Flaherty Open was in Minnesota!  The kids had such a fun time with the cousins and extended family.

Hailey got her first manicure from Auntie Jill at one of the nightly BBQs!

While the guys were playing in the golf tournament on Saturday, the ladies and kiddos went to the Irish Fest in St. Paul.  We had such a great time! We were able to watch some Irish dancing, eat some Irish food and pet the huge Irish dogs!  Not surprisingly, the dogs were the favorite part for our kids!




Monday, March 23, 2015

Packing & Moving

August 2015
B & H (2.5 years)
Colin (15 months)
As you all know we put our house on the market at the end of June. We were lucky to sell our place in 24 hours, and that seemed too long!  Trying to keep the house clean with 3 kids and a dog was crazy! We are never moving again!!!
Luckily, we had some good little helpers to pack up all of our things!

Last bath in our house! All smiles!


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

MN State Fair 2014

In early August we headed to the Minnesota State Fair with Poppa and the Held girls.  Brian and I are not huge fairgoers, but seeing it through the eyes of the kids was AMAZING!! They had so much fun, I can't wait to do it all again.
The kids loved the Miracle of Birth Center, where we were able to see all sorts of baby animals. We were able to pet some sheep, bunny rabbits, cows, horses and pigs! (Don't worry, we washed our hands really well!)


The kids learned that Poppa is especially fond of the state fair foods.  The menu included Martha's chocolate chip cookies, corn dogs, gyros and mini donuts. The kids did not mind the food one bit!