Thursday, April 23, 2015

Christmas Cookies 2014

Decorating Christmas cookies was a big hit. The kids love to bake and cook with us. We managed to get some frosting on most of the cookies and a lot of sprinkles! 

Reindeer Visit

Prior to Christmas, we headed to a local vet that had Santa and his reindeer.  The kids loved the reindeer, but not so much Santa! The kids would only sit in the sleigh if Santa got out! 

Visiting Santa

This was our 3rd year going to the BSM kid's Christmas party to visit Santa. 1 out of 3 isn't bad, right? Better luck next year!

Mr. Accessorizer

Brady 2.75

This guy!

Colin 19 months

Lovin' on Daddy

Macy's Santa Land

December 2014

We headed to the downtown Macy's for the Murray's 2nd annual Santa Land visit!  It is an exhibit that Brian and I grew up going to, which makes it extra special.  It is a walk-through exhibit of Santa and the elves getting ready for Christmas!  We went early in the morning, so we were practically the only ones there.  Again, the kids just loved it!


Sunday, April 19, 2015

Movie night!

November 2014
B & H: 2.5 years
Colin: 18 months

We had our first ever family movie night at our new house! What did we watch... Frozen, of course!! Brady did not budge the entire movie. Hailey would break into song and dance. Colin was rolling around on the bed of blankets! We all had a blast!!!

We moved, finally!!

We finally moved into our new house after a long and strange turn of events!  We were in the week before Thanksgiving and we couldn't be happier! We are thankful for my parent's hospitality for 3 months (though they were probably only there for about 4 weeks), but happy to have our own space again! 


Friday, April 17, 2015

Halloween 2014

October 31, 2014
B& H: 2.5 years
Colin: 18 months
We were lucky to enjoy Halloween at my parent's house this year. Nani stayed home to tend to their candy, which Poppa helped the kiddos do their own tricker-treating.  The twins were able to understand the concept this year and absolutely loved it!  They asked me for days later if we could do it again. 

Daddy and our three little superheroes!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Carving Pumpkins

While we were in Sioux Falls, we decided to get our pumpkins carved for Halloween the next week.  MJ was nice enough to let us make the mess at her house instead ours! 


Visiting Grandma & Grandpa

We headed down to Sioux Falls for a quick weekend at the end of October.
We enjoyed visiting the great-grandmas, playing at the Sioux Falls Park and checking out the local apple orchard.