Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Playdoh & Painting

The kids love to keep busy with little activities, and Mom loves it to!! 

January activity

What do you do in Minnesota in January when it is way too cold to go play outside? Bring the snow inside, of course!!  

Bree Lynne Held

Baby Bree made her appearance on January 2nd, 2015! The kids now have 5 girl cousins! Poor Brady and Colin- lots of dress-up coming your way.

Colin was lucky enough to make the hospital visit with Brian and me. He didn't seem very interested in Bree, but loved the open hospital hallways.
Welcome to the family, Bree!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Christmas 2014

After gifts at our place, we headed to Nani and Poppa's house.  Even Santa came to celebrate with us! The kids were very timid around Santa, except Brady who was fearless in getting his gifts! 

Brady wearing Mallory's Christmas dress!  

Christmas Morning 2014

We celebrated Christmas Eve at our church, Immaculate Heart of Mary, with Nani and Poppa. We were very lucky that they reserved seats for us at church, but a little surprised (Brian especially) to see that it was the front row! The kids had a front row to the children's nativity.

Christmas morning we opened a few presents at our house before heading over to Nani and Poppa's house.  Colin got a bunch of match cars and a tractor, Hailey got a stroller and accessories for her doll and Brady got a bunch of dinosaurs and a t-ball set!  Everyone loved their gifts!



Tuesday, May 5, 2015

My favorite little angels!

Look what the kids made for us!! My new favorite ornaments!

Sioux Falls Christmas 2014

We headed down to Sioux Falls the weekend before Christmas to celebrate with grandma and grandpa. The kids were able to practice their present opening skills! Hailey received her first baby doll crib! Brady and Colin received some amazing toy cars and trucks!! Thank you grandma and grandpa!!

We were also able to sneak in a visit to see great-grandma Murray!