Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Monday, May 28, 2012

Twins Game

Brian and I were lucky enough to go to the twins game this Memorial Day weekend, thanks to my parents.  We had a bit of a surprise at the top of the 5th inning on the Twins-O-Gram!!!!

Baptism 05.19.12

Brady and Hailey were baptised into the Catholic Church at St. Hubert's Church on May 19, 2012.
Hailey was wearing a very special gown made by Nani many years ago that her Mommy, aunties and cousins have all worn before her her.  Brady was wearing an adorable outfit also made by his Nani this year as he is the first 'Flaherty' boy in the family.

Brady and Hailey were lucky enough to have the Murray family, Flaherty family, some of the Henning family and our neighbors the Neuerburg family all be a part of their very special day.  Thank you to everyone that was able to make it to our 'Deluxe' baptism for the kids.

Brady went first.....
and Hailey next...

Hailey's godparents are Jamie and Steve Held

Brady's godparents are Jon and Kate Murray

Monday, May 21, 2012

Murray Cousins

Brady and Hailey were able to meet their Murray cousin, Alexis, this weekend as the whole Murray family was in town for the kids' Baptism.   Brady and Alexis hit it off as you can see by their hand holding!


Proud Grandparents!

Brady Face

How can you not love this kid?!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Back to the Beginnings...

If you recall my very first post was The Beginnings when we surprised our parents with the two twins onesies.  I was thrilled when the kids were finally able to fit into them.  Time has just flown by!

I asked Brady and Hailey how they thought the twins were doing this year and this was their response......
Brady is especially upset about the home team!

Lazy Sunday

As always, Moose llikes to be in the middle of everything. I couldn't miss this photo opportunity!

Mother's Day 2012

For Mother's Day this year, we had my family over for a nice brunch. We finally were able to get all the cousins together for a pic with Nani and Poppa.  It only took 3 months to do it!

I still can't believe how blessed I am to be the mother of Brady and Hailey!  My first Mother's Day was a dream come true!  Brian let me sleep in while he took care of the kids.  When I did finally wake up and go downstairs I was greeted with Brian saying, "Everyone say Happy Mother's Day!"  We have a few more years before that can happen...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

New Mamma Group

For the last 6 weeks the kids and I have been meeting on Mondays with 9 other Moms at Amma Parenting.  There were 4 boys (Brady, Joe, Finnigan, and Ian) and 7 girls (Hailey, Isabelle, Mia, Kate, Natalie, Sarah and Victoria) in the group. Sadly, yesterday was our graduation day!

This one cracks me up! Hailey was having a tough day as you can see.
It looks like she is trying to bite her brother.  Can't wait for those days to come!

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Brady was sporting his new kicks this weekend. He is hoping to someday make some great dance moves like his Dad!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Moose's Spot

Since the kids were born Moose's spot in the Toyota has been taken. Once in awhile he tries to squeeze in his old spot, which I finally caught on camera.

Luckily for Moose we are getting a new car and he will have his own special spot. Looks like he will be able to go to Sioux Falls and Canada with us after all!