Monday, May 28, 2012

Baptism 05.19.12

Brady and Hailey were baptised into the Catholic Church at St. Hubert's Church on May 19, 2012.
Hailey was wearing a very special gown made by Nani many years ago that her Mommy, aunties and cousins have all worn before her her.  Brady was wearing an adorable outfit also made by his Nani this year as he is the first 'Flaherty' boy in the family.

Brady and Hailey were lucky enough to have the Murray family, Flaherty family, some of the Henning family and our neighbors the Neuerburg family all be a part of their very special day.  Thank you to everyone that was able to make it to our 'Deluxe' baptism for the kids.

Brady went first.....
and Hailey next...

Hailey's godparents are Jamie and Steve Held

Brady's godparents are Jon and Kate Murray

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