Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Brady's Buddy

Brady just loves his friend Sophie the Giraffe, and so does Moose. Thanks Aunt Kathy!

4 Month Check-up

The kids had their 4 month check-up a few days ago.  Below are the stats:
Weight: 13 lbs
Length: 24 inches
Diapers: size 2
Clothing size: 3-6 months

Weight: 11 lbs.
Length: 22.5 inches
Diapers: size 2
Clothing size: 3-6 months

Sorry the pics were on my phone... not the best quality. Enjoy!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

What better way to celebrate Father's Day then to have matching outfits with the kids! Brian has been joking about having coordinating outfits with Brady since he was born. I figured in all of my spare time these days I would make his dreams come true... So here is what I came up with!

Brian- happy first father's day! Brady and Hailey are so lucky to have such an amazing and loving daddy! We love you!

Yummy Hand

I love this progression...

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Baby Bjorns

The kids are finally old enough to face forward in the Baby Bjorns, and they love it! And so does Mom and Dad!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Aunt Kathy

Brian and I were thrilled to have his Aunt Kathy from Jacksonville, FL stay with us and meet the kids this weekend.
Kathy is running the Grandma's Marathon in Duluth next weekend so she flew in a few days early to visit.

Good luck on the Marathon Kathy! It was great to see you!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Bumbo Brady

Brady finally got a chance to get some Bumbo time in. He also decided to pray at the same time. What a kid!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Heavenly Site

This is quite rare to have both H & B fall asleep within minutes of each other after playing on the blanket. What can I say, twins are easy! Ha!

I Heart NY

As some of you may know, my oldest and dearest friend, Lauren, lives out in New York City. She was sweet enough to get the kids these adorable onesies way back when.

I hope that Brady and Hailey will someday have a friend like Lauren to grow up with and share their life with. I cant wait to see you soon and for the little ones to meet their Auntie Lauren. Love you Lo!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Hangin' at the Helds

We went over to the Held's house for some dinner and cousin time.  I can't believe Sophie is already 6 months old, sitting up on her own and saying Da-da! What a cutie!

Hailey got to try out the Bumbo, which was a huge hit!

Sophie was very intrigued with Hailey. She was looking for her hair, but never found any.

Mallory, of course, wanted to be a part of the photos too!
Brady slept through most of the cousin time.  Don't worry, we didn't forget about him.

Multiple Connections Picnic

The family went to our first Moms of Multiples Summer Picnic this weekend. We met up with two of the mothers that I walk with during the week as well as their families.  It was great to have the husbands finally meet each other and chat about all things twins! 

Birthdates of the kiddos:
Brady and Hailey Murray: 02.15.12
Emma and Olivia Gluth: 02.17.12
Emma and Morgan Sampeer: 02.09.12

I can wait to watch these kids grow up through the years together!  How amazing it is that Brady and Hailey are within 1 week of age of all of these kids!

Left to right: Olivia, Hailey, Emma, Emma, Brady and Morgan

Hailey between the Gluth twin girls

Brady and Morgan are the two dudes of the group