Saturday, June 2, 2012

Multiple Connections Picnic

The family went to our first Moms of Multiples Summer Picnic this weekend. We met up with two of the mothers that I walk with during the week as well as their families.  It was great to have the husbands finally meet each other and chat about all things twins! 

Birthdates of the kiddos:
Brady and Hailey Murray: 02.15.12
Emma and Olivia Gluth: 02.17.12
Emma and Morgan Sampeer: 02.09.12

I can wait to watch these kids grow up through the years together!  How amazing it is that Brady and Hailey are within 1 week of age of all of these kids!

Left to right: Olivia, Hailey, Emma, Emma, Brady and Morgan

Hailey between the Gluth twin girls

Brady and Morgan are the two dudes of the group

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