Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Mornings at the Murray's

The kids have started to get into a, dare I say it, routine in the mornings. They wake up at around 630/7. Hailey can be heard in her crib laughing and babbling for a good half an hour before Brian and I drag ourselves out of bed to get her. We feed her and by then Mr. Man has started to squirm a bit.
After he eats, we get some fun playtime in on the bed. Moose is usually on the bed with us as well.
I've included a compilation of some morning pics for your viewing pleasure...

Monday, July 23, 2012

Love that face!

I can hear it years from now.... "Dad, you're embarrassing me!"- H

Popping the collar

"Hey, you talking to me?!"  -B


I can hear her, but where is she?

Lazy Days of Summer

Brian and I finally got the kids in the pool.  We have been talking about it all summer long, but the time has just flown by!  Yet again, more personality traits are appearing before our eyes.  Hailey absolutely loves the water just like her Mama and Brady does not seem to be the biggest fan of water, just like his Dad.  Brady doesn't know it yet, but he will like the water!! 

Moose needed to cool off as well in this crazy heat we have been having the last few weeks. Moose loves making it into the photos! 
Here is Brady not quite sure what to make of the water, with only his toes touching.

Montana Trip

Two of the days in Bozeman were spent at this man-made reservoir, which you can see is incredible. The family was able to enjoy some tubing, kayaking and paddle boarding.  

Another highlight of the trip was one of the night outings to visit the Montana State University football stadium.  Coach Link was providing the family with a little football clinic. 

The kids were able to make their first college visit at 5 months. 

 The rest of the trip included white water rafting, golf, fly fishing, walks around campus, napping (mostly Brian and I), and just relaxing around the Link house.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Headed to Montana

The Murray family set off to Montana with the rest of the Flaherty family to visit Jill and Erik. Brian and I knew traveling was going to be a huge undertaking with the twins, but we had to start sometime. The kids got to experience their first plane ride and get their first set of wings!

Brian and I held the twins on our laps, since they don't need their own seats until they are two. Just in case you ever fly with baby twins or infants we learned a few things:
1. You can not have two lap babies in the same row. Brian and I had to have an aisle between the two of us due to the location of extra oxygen masks in case of an emergency.
2. Changing diapers on the plane is tough! Apparently some planes have changing tables in the lavatory, but not our plane.
3. People do not like to sit by babies on the plane, especially twins! There was a gentlemen sitting in front of Hailey and I that told me once we landed that "the kids did great! I didn't have much faith in them." We showed them!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Cool Shades

Visiting Sioux Falls

A few weekends ago we visited Sioux Falls and were again very successful on the drive.  We visited great-grandma and grandpa Murray and great-uncle Mike stopped by as well. 

I was really excited about getting a four generation Murray Men photo.  Brady has some chest hair and a great sense of humor among other things coming his way! Murray Men = Lady Killers!

It was a great visit to Sioux Falls as always.  A special thanks to grandma and grandpa for letting Brian and I have two nights of uninterrupted sleep.  It was the first time in 4 months!