Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Canada 2012

In the beginning of August the Murray Family made the trek up to grandma and grandpa's cabin in Ontario, Canada.  The drive is 8 hours, so we decided to split up the trip by driving after Brian's workday for 5 hours until we made it to International Falls, MN.  The next day we headed across the boarder for the last 3 hours.  The kids did great!

Brian and I enjoyed a day of fishing out on Lac Seul with Jeff, while Grandma MaryJo stayed back with the kiddos. 
I had to show off my 25inch walleye that I caught.  Biggest fish of the day!

Naturally, I had to take some pictures of the kids with the fish to show just how big our fish were.

We did a little 5.5 month photo shoot while we were in Canada as well. 

We took a little ride around the neighborhood in the 4-wheeler- minus the baby.
One of our favorite nightly activities is taking the trash to the dump.  We had a very exciting visit one night when there were 5 bears!  One got a little friendly with Jeff as he videoed him, which ended up with us all running to the car! 
Note the sign that the bear is standing in front of.
Our early mornings with the kids allowed us to see some amazing sunrises.
Grandpa Jeff has a new fishing buddy! 

I couldn't resist this picture.  Everyone likes little baby butts! 
 Can you tell who is who here?
We had a great trip to Grandma and Grandpa's cabin. Thank you for hosting us.  We can't wait to make this our yearly tradition!


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