Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Family of Four

We enjoyed our last weekend as a family of 4 in a big way!  We were able to go to the outdoors part of the MN Zoo since we finally had some Spring Weather!  Not all of the animals were out yet, but we did get to see some farm baby animals (don't worry grandpa, there was absolutely no touching involved!). We also enjoyed a nice picnic lunch with the kids.

We also hit up one of the parks in our neighborhood, played in the yard, and enjoyed a little water table splashing outside.

On Sunday, we enjoyed our last time at mass, for awhile at least!  We discovered that our stacking cups were no longer a church appropriate toy.  Brady would "smash" (hit them with his hand) the cups, just as Dad had taught him with the balls at home.  Naturally they would roll a few feet away, then we would crawl to it and "smash" it again. How can you not laugh at that!  Hailey was similarly active and wanted to walk to everything, and not just read books and play with toys like she normally does.

On Sunday afternoon we went to my parents for a last supper, if you will. The kids had a great time as usual and really seemed to enjoy their diaper time, more so than usual!


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