Saturday, June 29, 2013

All smiles

Colin just started smiling, cooing and laughing all within the same week- 6.5 weeks. I just want to bite those cheeks!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Paint Project & Pasta Fun

I try to be as creative as possible with the kids in coming up with fun activities to do.
So we tried out two activities awhile back.

First, was the paint project, which I stole from pinterest.  I was actually really excited about this one, but as the kids get older the things I am most excited about are usually a big flop. We started with a zip lock bag with paint in it that was taped to the floor... 
 And then it was ripped off before I could even take a picture 
(I thought I had used a ton of tape, I guess not!).

Our pasta fun was just a large storage bin filled with bowtie pasta and toys. Brian thought I was a bit crazy with this activity, but I figure it was better than rice or dried beans, right?  This one was actually a big hit as you can see! We kept this for a few weeks until the pasta started getting eaten by the kids and Moose.


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

1 Month Old

 It is hard to believe that 1 month has already come and gone (this post is a little late).  Colin is fitting into the family just perfectly! The Murray family is quite busy these days as you can imagine.
Love those cheeks!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Hiding Places

Brady found a new place to hide diapers. Where does he come up with this stuff?

So in Love

This is one of my favorites of Colin at 2.5 weeks.  So handsome in Daddy's hands!

A few firsts for Colin...

Colin's first bath....

First family walk to the park...

Meeting the Minnesota cousins...

Friday, June 14, 2013


Brady spent a little time with Colin talking about brother stuff! What a pair!
Surprisingly, Brady is very gentle with Colin and likes to gives kisses. Hailey, on the other hand, always wants to jump on top of him! I've warned her to be nice because he will definitely be bigger than her sometime very soon!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

15 Month Stats for the Twins

Brady and Hailey had their 15 month appointments today. Each visit brings more craziness than the last- this time we had 2 walkers and Colin. Naturally, Colin decided not to sleep during the visit and B & H were on the go. Thank goodness Nani was along for the trip, that and a lot of snacks!

Weight: 19 lbs. 2.5oz  (10-25%)  
Length: 29 1/8 in. (10-25%)           
Diapers: size 4*                     
Clothing size: 12-18 months    
* Size 3 would probably be better, but I refuse to have 3 different sizes of diapers in the house!  

Weight: 22 lbs. 5oz  (25-50%)  
Length: 30.5 in. (25%)           
Diapers: size 4                      
Clothing size: 18-24 months  
 Colin along for the ride!




Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Going Home

We headed home from the hospital on Saturday, May 4, 2013.
Colin went home in the same outfit that his big brother and sister wore. I think it fit him a little better!

Colin was greeted by his big brother and sister and grandma and grandpa Murray when he got home!  Quite the welcome as you can see!

The three kiddos were lucky enough to spend some time over the weekend with all four grandparents and their cousins!  Lucky kiddos!


Hospital Stay

Colin was able to meet his new big brother and sister while he was at the hospital.  He also met all four grandparents and his aunt Jamie and cousin Mallory. He is one lucky kiddo!

Brady wanted to show Colin just how much bigger he was then him! I'm sure this debate will show up many more times in the future.


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Colin's First Day!

Colin seemed to adjust well to his new family.  Little did he know what he would be getting into once he went home!  Luckily he had 4 more days in the hospital before the real craziness would start.

Here is an interesting story we will never forget on the day of Colin's birthday....

A few days before Colin was born, Brady was sick with some vomiting. We thought everyone was in the clear until the day that Colin was born, May 1st 2013, when Hailey came down with the same thing.  Luckily, Nani and Poppa were at home with the kids while Mom and Dad were at the hospital with baby brother, Colin. Around 9pm on the 1st, Dad started to get the same symptoms and Mom sent him home from the hospital. Poppa came to the rescue and spent the first night at the hospital with Colin and Mom.  Little did Poppa know that he would have to work so hard to have his grandson named after him!