Thursday, June 27, 2013

Paint Project & Pasta Fun

I try to be as creative as possible with the kids in coming up with fun activities to do.
So we tried out two activities awhile back.

First, was the paint project, which I stole from pinterest.  I was actually really excited about this one, but as the kids get older the things I am most excited about are usually a big flop. We started with a zip lock bag with paint in it that was taped to the floor... 
 And then it was ripped off before I could even take a picture 
(I thought I had used a ton of tape, I guess not!).

Our pasta fun was just a large storage bin filled with bowtie pasta and toys. Brian thought I was a bit crazy with this activity, but I figure it was better than rice or dried beans, right?  This one was actually a big hit as you can see! We kept this for a few weeks until the pasta started getting eaten by the kids and Moose.


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