Thursday, August 29, 2013

Twins Galore!

This past weekend we went to a twin BBQ at our friend's house.  There were 4 sets of twins under the age of 20 months, or 9 kids under 20 months if you count Colin! Plus our friends have 2 dogs= Mad House!

It was quite the noisy occasion, or at least until the kids ate! Hailey kept stealing food off of her friend Reese's plate. Proud moment for Brian and I!

We are so grateful  to have met these families! It makes "twinning," as I like to call it, that much easier!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

3 Months for C man!

It is hard to believe that Colin is already 3 months old! He continues to be an amazing blessing to the family! He is a very good baby! 

He has an amazing dimpled smile that he is always showing off.
He slept for 10.5 hours this past Monday, and that was because I had to wake him to eat before I left for work! 
The one difficult thing about this little guy is that he likes his quiet time. As you can imagine, H&B are not exactly quiet!  

Happy 3 months little Bubbs!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Poop Deck

The kids and I spent an evening out on the deck and enjoyed some time in the pool the other night.  As the summer has gone on I just let the kids wear their diapers in the water instead of putting up a fight to get swimsuits on. Once the kids are all done with the water, I take off their diapers and let them air dry while we are still outside.

On this occasion the kids were air drying while I was trying to settle down Colin. As I looked back at Brady, I found him in the crouching position (aka poopin position) He then stood up, looked down and grabbed part of the poop he had just deposited. Luckily, I was able to grab his hand before he had a taste test! That's my little man!

After the poop deck incident, the kids spent some snuggle time rocking on the chair.  What a pair!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Applesauce for two!

We have been working on using our forks and spoons at meals. The forks have been going pretty well, not so much the spoons.
The kids had some applesauce for dinner tonight and H resorted to her hands and B... well, he used another method.

Baths followed dinner tonight!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Children's Museum

We went to the Children's Museum last weekend and spent a lot of time at the water area.  It was a good thing the kids were wearing an apron because their shirts still got soaked.