Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Dress Up

One of the kids' favorite outings is to the EP library. It has a great little play area with pretend food, letter games, dress-up clothes and books, of course! Here is my construction man and fire woman! 

I know it's time to head home when the twins start to "explore." This means Hailey takes off down one row of books and Brady starts running in the opposite direction.  Then I have a few minutes of panic because I can't find one of them as I try to grab the stroller with Colin and maneuver the  rows of books. I tend to break a little sweat at this time!

The Boys!

These guys are starting to look more and more alike each day. Loving my boys!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Butterfly House

 While we were in Sioux Falls, we visited the Butterfly House.  It was amazing!  There must have been thousands of butterflies flying around the room and landing wherever they please.  Not surprisingly, Brady wanted to smash all the butterflies that came his way.

Hailey, on the other hand, was not thrilled by the butterflies landing on her, but she did like looking at them.

The butterflies seemed to like Colin's blanket. There were 4 butterflies on him at one point!

The Mighty Sioux Falls

Colin made his first trip back to Sioux Falls at the end of August with the rest of the family. In our usual fashion, we drove after dinner and the 3 kids (including Moose) slept the whole ride! The sad thing about this trip was we had to use a storage bin on the top of the car since the inside was packed full.  That's a little embarrassing!
While we were visiting we took the whole clan to the Sioux Falls for the first time!  It was a gorgeous day and the kids had a great time running around the park.


Friday, September 20, 2013


To kick off our fall weather, we decided to do some "baking" out on the deck. What better ingredients than flour, oatmeal and cornmeal to make a delicious treat! I think it was a hit!
There was some tasting involved, but only once!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Arm Update

Brian and I took Ms. Hailey back to the doctor this past Friday. They did another round of X-rays that showed she did not fracture her arm as originally thought, but her bone just buckled/bent. So that is great news. The doctor thought she should be fine within 2-4 weeks.

We actually asked for the cast, mostly to protect her from her brother! I was amazed by this little girl that puts up a big fight for getting her nails cut, yet sat still for the cast placement. Unbelievable!

Note: Hailey picked the color!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

New record at the Murray's

Well, it is official. We had our first broken bone. Last Sunday, 9/8/13, Hailey took a fall off a stool in the kitchen. She may or may not have been pushed off by her brother. We didn't see what happened, so I guess we will never know.

As you can see, the splint did not stop this little girl from doing anything, even golf! She is quite the tough little cookie- takes after her Mom!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Colin 4 Month Stats

This little guy is such a charmer!  He is all smiles, giggles and babbles when he catches your attention. 
He has officially been in his crib for a few weeks now and is a great sleeper. Bedtime is 7pm and he wakes up at 6am to eat. He is big into his catnaps during the day because he doesn't want to miss any of the action. 
Weight: 13# 10oz (10-25%)  
Length: 24 inch (10-25%)           
Diapers: size 2                      
Clothing size: 6 months  

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

18 Month Stats

These two little munchkins have been keeping us very busy these days!  They are climbing on anything and getting into everything they can find.  We thought our house was pretty much baby proofed, but they have proven otherwise. 
Here are some of the recent shenanigans:
1. File cabinets have been emptied out- imagine papers everywhere!
2. The washing machine plug was pulled out (may I add this is inside of a cabinet)- luckily I figured this out before the maintenance guy came out.
3. Brady has figured out how to unlock the baby gate going upstairs.
4. Toys have been put into the toilet! (Luckily, not flushed)
5. Closed captioning is now on our television.  Not sure how to get that off yet!

Weight: 23 lbs. 7oz  (25-50%)  
Length: 32 in. (50-75%)           
Diapers: size 4                      
Clothing size: 18-24 months  
Favorites: Smashing and throwing everything and riding Moose

Weight: 20 lbs. 3oz  (10-25%)  
Length: 30 inches (5-10%)           
Diapers: size 3                      
Clothing size: 18-24 months  
Favorites: Dancing to everything (especially grandpa Murray playing guitar!), coloring and giving toys to Colin.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Paddle Boarding

A few weekends ago, the family spent a day out at Lake Minnetonka and rented some paddleboards. Nani and Poppa and the Held family were all in attendance. Some took to the paddle boarding a little better than others, but overall, we had a great time! 

Mr. Calculator

A few weeks back, Brady found a calculator in one of our desk drawers and it quickly became his new favorite toy.  Whenever we left the house he had to bring it with him.  I think he even napped with it a few times.
It looks like the Flaherty side has definitely pulled through.... another future accountant in the making!