Tuesday, September 10, 2013

18 Month Stats

These two little munchkins have been keeping us very busy these days!  They are climbing on anything and getting into everything they can find.  We thought our house was pretty much baby proofed, but they have proven otherwise. 
Here are some of the recent shenanigans:
1. File cabinets have been emptied out- imagine papers everywhere!
2. The washing machine plug was pulled out (may I add this is inside of a cabinet)- luckily I figured this out before the maintenance guy came out.
3. Brady has figured out how to unlock the baby gate going upstairs.
4. Toys have been put into the toilet! (Luckily, not flushed)
5. Closed captioning is now on our television.  Not sure how to get that off yet!

Weight: 23 lbs. 7oz  (25-50%)  
Length: 32 in. (50-75%)           
Diapers: size 4                      
Clothing size: 18-24 months  
Favorites: Smashing and throwing everything and riding Moose

Weight: 20 lbs. 3oz  (10-25%)  
Length: 30 inches (5-10%)           
Diapers: size 3                      
Clothing size: 18-24 months  
Favorites: Dancing to everything (especially grandpa Murray playing guitar!), coloring and giving toys to Colin.

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