Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Yogurt for all!

I was not very creative for dinner tonight, so the kids had yogurt, toast and strawberries. 

So, if you were wondering about uses for yogurt, the kids have it figured out:
1. Making art on the table (exhibited by Brady).
2. Putting it on the toast- not to bad.
3. Rubbing it on the skin like lotion (thank you Hailey).
4. Adding it to the water and drinking it.
5. Smearing it on their shirts- hence the no shirt!

They had baths tonight. For the record, I did not encourage this behavior. I was too busy trying to get Colin to eat!!

Saturday, May 24, 2014


These pictures are a little late, but they crack me up every time!
The look of pure joy!!! ( I love his 2 little gopher teeth!)

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Colin: 12 month stats

Colin: 12 Months!!
Weight: 17#1oz (2-5%)- He's a little guy! 
Length: 28 inch (2%)           
Diapers: size 4                   
Clothing size: 12 months  
Number of teeth: 6 (4 top, 2 bottom)

This little peanut is overflowing with smiles!  He loves cruising along furniture (not quite ready to walk yet), going down the slide, playing trains with his brother and giving kisses to his sister.  He just loves doing everything B & H do, just a few steps behind! 

Colin, Love, you've made this past year a crazy year, but one filled with more love than I ever thought possible!


Friday, May 9, 2014


Must be a Murray thing!

Love this little guy!

A glimpse of Spring

A little while back we had a scorching 40 degree day and decided to hit the streets with our rain boots.  As you can tell, the kids just loved it! 

Colin was all bundled up with us, too!

Hoody time

I love how the trio always manages to sit by each other without me prompting them. It is very clear (most days at least) how much they love each other!

Relaxing x 3

You may notice the onesie on top of the pants. It's the only way to prevent them from stripping down!


 Thanks to Aunt Jill and Uncle Erik's Christmas gift, the twins have been participating in Tiny Tots gymnastics!  The twins were a little hesitant at first, but really loved going each week.  As I mentioned before, the trampoline was the biggest hit.

Grandma and Grandpa were able to go with us the weekend of the twins' birthday! Brady and Hailey had such a great time with them!

 Grandpa even got in the foam pit with the kiddos!  Lets just say that is not the most sanitary place in the world!
Thank you to everyone that helped us get the twins to gymnastics for the 8 week period.  A special thanks to Nani and Poppa, Larry & Karen, and Cathy!  With 3 kiddos and needing 1 adult per kid for gymnastics it got a little difficult.

2nd Birthday Party for B & H

The blog is officially about 2 months behind.  Those have been 2 crazy months, you'll find out soon enough...

Brady and Hailey celebrated their 2nd birthday with a Little Monsters theme.  We had a few family and friends over to help us celebrate!

This Momma thought she was doing something pretty fun by dipping the cupcakes in sprinkles for their special cupcake.  I soon realized that B & H don't like sprinkles and therefore had no interest in the cupcakes.  Who are these kids?!?!?

Since the trampoline is Brady and Hailey's favorite part of gymnastics class we decided to get one for the home.  The cousins had an hilarious time jumping together! 
 Thank you to everyone that helped us celebrate our 2 years surviving with these two little monsters!