Friday, May 9, 2014

2nd Birthday Party for B & H

The blog is officially about 2 months behind.  Those have been 2 crazy months, you'll find out soon enough...

Brady and Hailey celebrated their 2nd birthday with a Little Monsters theme.  We had a few family and friends over to help us celebrate!

This Momma thought she was doing something pretty fun by dipping the cupcakes in sprinkles for their special cupcake.  I soon realized that B & H don't like sprinkles and therefore had no interest in the cupcakes.  Who are these kids?!?!?

Since the trampoline is Brady and Hailey's favorite part of gymnastics class we decided to get one for the home.  The cousins had an hilarious time jumping together! 
 Thank you to everyone that helped us celebrate our 2 years surviving with these two little monsters!




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