Thursday, September 11, 2014


I have a few funny Brady things for you:

1. We were at my parents when my Mom was in the yard and put a frog she had found in a bucket for the kids. The kids loved it, especially Brady! First he picked it up, then threw it into the grass before I could get to him. I put it back in the bucket for H & C to see it again. The frog then jumped out of the bucket and Brady proceeded to stomp on it. Luckily he missed. No more frogs for this kid!

2. We were finishing up baths and I was getting Brady's PJs on when he says:
B: " I got a penis."
Mom: Yes, you do.
Brian: is it big or little
B: it's a BIG penis. Daddy has little penis.

3. Brady grabbed off a tomato from Nani's garden, then proceeded to eat it and make a mess all over his face.  A few minutes later he was playing with the neighbor's white dog. You guessed it... The dog had red tomato all over his back. And the neighbors had just come back from the groomers. Classic!

4. We arrived at the car after leaving from swim lessons.I was loading in H & C when I saw Brady  put his arm in my car's exhaust pipe. I pulled it out right away and his arm was almost complete black from the soot. 

Where does he come up with this stuff?! At least I can say he is creative!

Cabella Museum

On our way back from Omaha, we stopped at a "museum" called Cabella's!!     It was the best entertainment for the kids!
We walked thorough the fish aquarium, saw all sorts of animals and sat on a tractor.  Who knew Cabella's was so great?

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Scott's College Graduation- May 2014

The family headed down to Omaha, Nebraska for Scott's graduation from Creighton undergraduate in May.  He got his degree in Chemistry and will be starting pharmacy school in the fall at Creighton!! (Still so crazy that all 3 boys followed the same path!). 
It was the first time since Brian and I had been back to campus and the first time the kids had been there.  We had such a great time touring around town! Plus, the cousins had a blast!

We had such a great time spending the weekend in Omaha with the whole Murray clan. Hopefully we will make it back before Scott's next graduation!
Congrats Scottie!!!