Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Nani's daycare

The kids have been very lucky to spend so much time with their cousins this summer!  Nani pretty much runs a regular daycare on Mondays lately!  You should see the mess this toddler trio makes together!
Mal is the big girl teacher of the crew. On this occasion we discussed table manners with the trio- not sure the twins followed any of them!
Mal melted my heart when she informed me that Hailey had 2 brothers and no sisters. She followed that statement by saying Sophie, Hailey and her could be sister-cousins. A-Dorable!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Colin's Baptism: 07.07.13

Colin received the sacrament of Baptism at our home parish, St. Hubert's Church, on July 7, 2013. He was so lucky to have his Uncle Erik and Auntie Jill as his godparents!  Colin was great during the Baptism, with the exception of needing to eat during the middle of it! No cries from this little guy when he was anointed with water! 

Thanks again Jill and Erik for being Colin's godparents.  I know Colin is in good hands with you two! 

This is what the twins were doing during part of the Baptism- running around the pews!  Lucky for us, the two other kids being baptized were 9 month boy/girl twins.  The parents will soon enough know what they are getting into!

Thank you to everyone that was a part of Colin's special day!  A special thanks to Scott and Bri that made it from Omaha and Jill and Erik from Alabama!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

2013 Family Photos

Since the whole Flaherty family was in town and my parents were celebrating their 37th wedding anniversary, we had a photographer take some family photos.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Splash Pad

Grandma and Grandpa Murray came into town for Colin's baptism on the 4th of July. So, we all headed to the new splash pad and playground in town the next day.  The kids had an amazing time as you can see!!!



Friday, July 19, 2013

Colin 1, Parents 0

Colin has been sleeping in our room in what's called a 'rock 'n' play,' which is like an elevated bassinet. He has been sleeping for 6 or 7 hours straight. Amazing!
So I decided it was time we transition him to the crib before I go back to work. So this past Friday was his first night. I did not have very high hopes and boy was I glad I did not. Little man would only sleep for 2 or 3 hour stretches. Not so amazing! We did this for 4 more nights thinking I had to stay strong with this! 
After 5 nights of no sleep, I gave into Brian's pleas to just let him sleep in our room. Imagine my surprise the next morning when I discover he slept from 10pm to 630am! I'll do the math for you- 8.5 hours!!!! I guess he'll be in our room for a bit longer!

4th of July

The kids and I headed to my parent's on the 4th for a little cousin fun and pool time. The boys (Poppa, Erik, Steve and Brian) were at the twins game that afternoon.
We spent the morning with the Aunties and Nani enjoying the beautiful weather!

 Yep, Colin was there too!  He slept the whole time. Such a great baby!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


We took a family walk over the weekend that led us to Culvers for some ice cream. The kids tried some of the custard for the first time- and they did not like it so much. That actually made me quite proud! We'll stick with the healthy stuff for these kiddos!
I always feel the need to prove C-man was in attendance as well!

Friday, July 12, 2013


Thank you Kris & Mike Murray (Brian's aunt & uncle) for the onesie! Another Murray man to keep the Murray clan alive!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

New Mamma Group

When the twins were about 6 weeks old I took a class called 'New Mammas' through Amma Parenting Center.  See here for my original post and pictures of the kiddos at that time.  Well, now the kids are almost 17 months and we met up with some of our old friends for a BBQ. 
If you were wondering, Brian and I were the only ones that had gone on to have more children.  I'm sure no one, including myself, would have ever guessed so many months ago that we would be the first!  

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Colin's 2 Month Stats!

Colin just had his 2 month check-up this past week and everything was great!  He is a great eater, sleeps 5-7 hours straight at night and has started cooing, laughing and smiling.  He is one big bundle of joy!.  This one baby thing is an easy gig!

Colin James:
Weight: 10 lbs. 14oz  (10-25%)  
Length: 22 1/2 in. (25%)           
Diapers: size 1                      
Clothing size: 3-6 months

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Little brother, Big Brother

I still can't believe how amazingly blessed I am to have 2 little boys! As a girl that grew up with all sisters, boy do I have a lot to learn!  
I'm not sure how I will deal with all things boy: spitting, scratching, wrestling, boy parts and the list goes on and on...
I'm sure I'll figure it out and I'll have Hailey bird on my side! We may be outnumbered, but we all know who the real bosses are!!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

We went to the Stone Arch Art Festival this year for Father's Day! Our first real outing as a family of five. We started getting ready around 8am and got there by about 1030am. Not too bad for our first try?! 
We had a great time walking along the riverfront as a family. What do you think of our stroller brigade?
We had a little picnic lunch with the kids and met up with Nani, Poppa and Auntie Jill. We were able to enjoy some live music and dancing from our very own Hailey bird!

This picture of Hailey and Auntie Jill just kills me! 
This picture definitely melts my heart!  Poppa and his grandson- what a pair! 
Happy Father's Day Brian, Poppa and Grandpa Murray!