Monday, July 1, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

We went to the Stone Arch Art Festival this year for Father's Day! Our first real outing as a family of five. We started getting ready around 8am and got there by about 1030am. Not too bad for our first try?! 
We had a great time walking along the riverfront as a family. What do you think of our stroller brigade?
We had a little picnic lunch with the kids and met up with Nani, Poppa and Auntie Jill. We were able to enjoy some live music and dancing from our very own Hailey bird!

This picture of Hailey and Auntie Jill just kills me! 
This picture definitely melts my heart!  Poppa and his grandson- what a pair! 
Happy Father's Day Brian, Poppa and Grandpa Murray!


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