Friday, July 19, 2013

Colin 1, Parents 0

Colin has been sleeping in our room in what's called a 'rock 'n' play,' which is like an elevated bassinet. He has been sleeping for 6 or 7 hours straight. Amazing!
So I decided it was time we transition him to the crib before I go back to work. So this past Friday was his first night. I did not have very high hopes and boy was I glad I did not. Little man would only sleep for 2 or 3 hour stretches. Not so amazing! We did this for 4 more nights thinking I had to stay strong with this! 
After 5 nights of no sleep, I gave into Brian's pleas to just let him sleep in our room. Imagine my surprise the next morning when I discover he slept from 10pm to 630am! I'll do the math for you- 8.5 hours!!!! I guess he'll be in our room for a bit longer!

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