Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Colin's Baptism: 07.07.13

Colin received the sacrament of Baptism at our home parish, St. Hubert's Church, on July 7, 2013. He was so lucky to have his Uncle Erik and Auntie Jill as his godparents!  Colin was great during the Baptism, with the exception of needing to eat during the middle of it! No cries from this little guy when he was anointed with water! 

Thanks again Jill and Erik for being Colin's godparents.  I know Colin is in good hands with you two! 

This is what the twins were doing during part of the Baptism- running around the pews!  Lucky for us, the two other kids being baptized were 9 month boy/girl twins.  The parents will soon enough know what they are getting into!

Thank you to everyone that was a part of Colin's special day!  A special thanks to Scott and Bri that made it from Omaha and Jill and Erik from Alabama!

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